The Kiss of Death
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Collab with AzraelInferna's POV |
“Your Majesty, the reaper Azrael is here.” My dark blue eyes light up as a servant brings me the news. Running my fingers through my ebony locks, I turn to my second Scark. “Do I look presentable?” I ask him. The only answer I get is an eye roll before he walks off without a word. I let out a huff. Asshole. Why do I even bother? Of course I look killer, like duh! I take a steadying breath, before heading outside. With a sweep of my gaze, I take in the grounds of the Bludhaven Estate, which would likely be considered pristine if it weren’t for the heaping pile of bodies smackdab in the middle of everything. My vampires and I have been busy reclaiming this fine Barony from the petulant mortals that stole it from us once upon a time. I feel a sense of pride to have such a fine offering of souls for my new reaper. They’re his for the taking, and for the record, they will not be going to Hades. My lips twitch as my gaze finds the reaper’s. I exude confidence as I stride across the lawn over to him. “Well hello, handsome. It’s nice to finally meet you face to face. Welcome to the afterparty.” The words roll off my tongue, and I flash him a fanged grin to match his devilish smile. “Hello, My Queen. You are truly more beautiful in person than I could’ve imagined. Thank you for the invitation,” he replies, as we take each other in with greedy eyes. “But of course. How could I resist?” The corner of my lips pulls up into a smirk, as I turn to face the pile of corpses. I could practically smell the need rolling off of him in waves. One thing’s for sure, I already have him wrapped around my little finger. “There’s plenty of souls to be had here. I want to finish up a couple things before we head into town. That’s where the real action is at,” I continue. “Take your time. I will collect these souls you so graciously left for me. I look forward to accompanying you into town.” I spin on my heel to face him again. “Good, then that’s settled.” My gaze gravitates to a couple standing behind him at a respectful distance as they await an audience with me. I beckon the male vampire and his mortal catch over. The man gives me a slight bow, before speaking, “Your Grace, what should I do with this one?” He gestures to the young mortal woman he has in tow. My gaze sweeps over her. Her eyes are notably distant and glazed over, almost lifeless, as she’s under heavy compulsion. “Has she verified all the bodies? Is everyone accounted for?” I feel Azrael glide around me as I speak with my lackey. “Yes, Your Grace, she has, and all members of the house have been accounted for.” “I suppose she’s served her usefulness then.” “What will become of this being?” Azrael inquires. I turn back to face him, and I barely open my mouth to reply when I’m rudely cut off. “Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” I suppress a groan as a young vampiress comes flying across the lawn, waving her arms frantically. I look at the reaper and mouth the words ‘Kill me now,’ which elicits a slight grin of amusement from him. He then leans in to whisper in my ear, “Never, My Queen.” The feel of his breath on my neck sends a small shiver down my spine. I begrudgingly shift my attention to the youngling vampire. “Where’s the fire, Astrid?” I ask, my voice dripping with annoyance. “No fire, Your Majesty. It’s the newly turned vampires. They’re waking up!” the vampiress explains. “I shall take my leave for now, while you attend to your young ones,” Azrael exclaims, garnering my attention again. “Of course,” I reply with a nod of my head. As our eyes connect, I can see the heated look in his gaze, relaying the double meaning to his next words, “And when you are ready, all you need to do is whisper, and I will be by your side in a blink.” I lick my lips, my gaze trailing after him as he leaves my side to tend to the souls in desperate need of collecting. Gods, he’s hot. I shake myself out of it. Now is not the time for that. I look between Astrid and the male vampire with his little mortal still awaiting my responses. A wicked smirk crosses my features as an idea pops into my head. With a crook of my finger, I beckon the mortal woman to follow me into the manor.
. . .
I let out a pleased groan as the metallic taste of blood slides down my throat. My gaze takes in the room as I sip out of my goblet. Three dead bodies with their throats ripped out lie in the middle of the room in a pool of scarlet.
That’s going to leave a stain, I muse before my gaze gravitates to the newly transitioned vampires being ushered from the room. They seem a bit shaken after their first feeding, but that’s to be expected. By the time they’re my age, 326 years young, they won’t even bat an eye at taking a life. It will be as mundane as wiping your ass.
“I’d say that was a success.” My gaze gravitates back to Scark at his remark.
“Indeed. This group hardly put up a fight,” I agree.
“Like taking candy from a baby,” he adds, eliciting a chuckle from me. He holds his goblet up. “One town down, and the whole realm to conquer.”
“Cheers to that.” I raise my glass up to his, the metal clinking together, before we take a swig of our drinks. I lick the blood from my lips, a devilish grin working its way across my features. There’s a glint to his brown eyes as he smirks back at me.
“So, what are your plans with--” He cuts himself off as a strangled sound escapes him, his glass falling to the floor with a clank. I spin around, my eyes starting to bleed red as I ready for an attack, but I stop short at seeing it’s just Azrael.
My eyes light up with amusement. Poor Scark, the reaper must’ve teleported in. I glance back at my second with a smirk, only to find him scowling at our new guest. I roll my eyes and jab him in the ribs with my elbow.
“Knock it off, Scark,” I warn him, before setting aside my drink and walking over to Azrael with a smile. “Did everything go well? Enjoyed yourself?”
His gaze comes up from the dead bodies to meet mine. He smiles back at me. “Indeed, My Queen! But sometimes I play with those damned souls a little too much.”
I shrug, a mischievous glint to my eyes. “Nothing wrong with that.”
“Sorry if I startled your man,” he adds, looking over at Scark.
One of my black brows shoots up. “My man?” I glance back at the vampire, a chuckle leaving my lips. “Oh no, that’s long since been said and done. He’s been strictly my loyal second-in-command for the past century.”
“Give or take,” Scark grumbles.
Azrael’s gaze flits between us, before he gives my second a nod. “Great choice of company to have for the past century.” I throw a smirk in Scark’s direction, eliciting an eye roll from him. My smirk grows as I turn my attention back to Azrael.
“I had a feeling you were going to bring me plenty of souls,” he remarks, “and you haven’t disappointed.”
“And there’s more where that came from. My army has been busy taking over the other towns,” I assure him.
“Why don’t we stop yakking and get going then,” Scark pipes up irritably. He grabs his coat off a nearby chair and makes his way to the front door.
“Oh your not going anywhere.” He stops dead in his tracks at my words, before stiffly turning to face me.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You’re going to stay here and watch over the newly turned.”
“You’re putting me on freaking babysitting duty?!!”
My eyes darken as I approach him, and my words are icy as I bite out, “It sucks when people sabotage your plans, doesn’t?” I shove past him and gesture for Azrael to follow me.
“Don’t let the younglings stay up too late.” I hear the reaper say to Scark, and I have to bite my lip to keep back a grin. I glance back at him over my shoulder to see him pause to collect the newest souls. A simple command, a lift of a finger to beckon the listless spirits, evidently does the trick. He readjusts his cloak, before he resumes following me.
I lead him across the estate to the stables where a carriage is already set up to take us into town. Vampiric footmen run around making last minute preparations. I notice a puzzled look crosses his features for a second as he turns to me. “It has been decades since I have been in a carriage, My Queen, but I will enjoy our ride together.”
“It’s a bit different in this realm from what you’ve been accustomed to I imagine.”
“It’s definitely different, but I could easily get used to it.”
I smile at him, before admitting, “I could just run there in no time, but I honestly like the reprieve.” One of the footmen opens the door for us. I take the vampire’s offered hand, letting him help me into the carriage.
I settle into one of the bench seats with a sigh. Finally, I can get away from all the needy lackeys, and while in the company of a handsome man no less. Despite my initial reservations about seeing this as anything more than a business deal, I can’t deny that I am growing a certain fondness for the reaper.
My gaze gravitates back to him as he steps inside and takes a seat across from me. He can’t hide his sheer delight, his mouth pulling up into a wide grin. “Alone at last.”
The corner of my lips quirk up at his words, as the carriage jolts to a start. “Indeed. What ever will you do with the time you have?” His smile grows as the inviting words roll off my tongue.
“I believe it will depend on how much time you allow us to have,” he replies, causing my lips to pull up more. My gaze flits downward as he reaches out to me, and I don’t shy away as he caresses my hand. His touch is electric, and my breath hitches as he brings my hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it.
“May I join you?” he asks. I hardly have to think about my answer.
“Of course.” My voice is tight as I scoot over to give him more room to sit. He turns my hand over, trailing kisses up my arm as he moves over to me. I bite my lip, relishing his touch, and I find myself already craving more of it.
“You should allow me to bite your lip for you.” I release my lip on an exhale, my gaze heated at his bold words. My eyes flit down to his mouth, and time seems to slow down as he leans in. Heat fills me at the first tentative brush of his lips, and I meet him halfway, pressing my lips to his without hesitation. I can’t explain this magnetic connection between us, all I know is I want more, more of him.
“Wow,” he exclaims, echoing my thoughts as our lips part. A breathy chuckle escapes me. I grab the collar of his shirt and yank him back to me, my lips crashing into his. He slips a muscular arm around my waist, pulling me into his lap. My gasp is smothered by his lips as he passionately kisses me. I smile against his mouth, enjoying the feeling of his arms around me and the pleasure strumming through me as we lose ourselves in each other.
Exquisite is the feeling of his lips moving against mine, our bodies entwined, and the singeing heat his touch leaves behind. I never want it to end. But with much hesitation, I eventually pull away, my breaths coming in pants.
“My Queen,” he lets out a husky breath as I rest my forehead against his. A soft smile graces my features, my body still afire from his touch. As our breathing slows, the noise of the outside world starts to come alive again, reminding me of my duties. Surely we are almost to our destination. A sigh reverberates through his body as if hearing my thoughts.
One of his hands gently lifts my chin, and I subconsciously bite my lip as I meet his gaze. He leans in, placing another passionate kiss to my lips. My hand slides up his chest to cup the back of his neck as I return the kiss, and I feel a sense of satisfaction when he shivers under my touch. I sigh as our lips part again. I caress his face, as I stare deep into his fathomless eyes. “I wish time could stop just for us. That I didn’t have all these duties to perform that complicated things…”
“We will have plenty of time for us, My Queen.” I bite back a protest as he slowly releases his grip around my waist and gently slides me off his lap. His lips then pull up into a devilish grin. “All you have to do is wink when your duties are done for this day, and we shall continue where we left off.”
“I certainly hope so,” I murmur.
The carriage soon comes to a stop. There’s movement outside and indistinct conversations, before the door finally opens for them. However, it isn’t one of my footmen standing there. My heart sinks into my stomach as I stare into the eyes of an all too familiar demon.
“Obsidian,” I grind out.
. . .
The demon gives us a disarming smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes.
“Hello lovebirds.” He steps inside the carriage, shutting the door behind him. He settles in the seat across from us before rapping on the roof.
Azrael chuckles. “Lovebirds, hmm… I like the sound of that.”
The reaper is surely a picture of relaxation in comparison to me. All my muscles are taut, and my gaze practically bores a hole into the treacherous demon before me.
“What are you doing?” I growl as the carriage starts up again. To my annoyance, Obsidian ignores me.
“I was wondering when you would make your appearance. Why do you think I was drawn to her in the first place, my old friend?” the reaper interjects. His words pique my curiosity. They’ve met before? Nevertheless, my gaze doesn’t budge. Obsidian tilts his head, scoffing at Azrael’s words, but there’s an amused glint to his eyes as watches us.
“This one,” the demon begins, gesturing in my direction. “Likes to pretend the rules don’t apply to her. But I’m afraid they do.”
I glance down at the dark amulet he wears around his neck. It remains unchanged thus far, which is only slightly reassuring. Maybe the Demon Lord wouldn’t come out to play. One could only hope.
I feel Azrael scoot closer, his gaze on me, but I ignore him. Instead my eyes narrow on the demon as I lean forward. “I know for a fact you didn’t come here just to observe and taunt us. What does the Demon Lord want?”
Obsidian smirks, relaxing back in his seat. “You’d be correct. I’m here to make a proposition. The Demon Lord wants the reaper formally inducted into our ranks.”
Shock registers on my features, before it’s quickly snuffed out by suspicion.
“What is that you say?” Azrael inquires. “And what pray tell does that mean?”
“It’s simple really. Joining our ranks requires you take a Blood Oath. As for the incentive, well, you’ve been kissing it,” Obsidian explains. I try my best to school my expression. I’m not entirely sure what to make of this. There has to be an ulterior motive here. There always is with the Darkling. After all, I knew for a fact that they didn’t give a damn about my love life.
“A very intriguing proposition you have there, Obsidian. Or should I say that Your Lord has for me?” Azrael says as more of a statement than a question. “Now do elaborate on what this incentive for me joining Your Lord’s ranks is.”
“You get to be with her, of course. It’s the only way really. We can’t have the uninitiated roaming around amongst us. It’s a liability issue. But take the Oath, and you can shadow her to your heart’s delight.”
“Very clever this proposition is, as it’s an all or nothing deal with My Queen as the ultimate prize.” I feel a bit of indignation rise up within me, but I have little time to contemplate how much I loathe being a pawn in men’s schemes...
My gaze finally gravitates to Azrael as I feel a warm hand on the small of my back. So many thoughts and emotions swirl in my mind. It’s an ultimatum that we’ve been given, and the selfish side of me doesn’t want to let him go. I want to explore this brewing chemistry between us, whatever the cost. I haven’t felt this alive since… no no don’t entertain that thought.
I sigh, looking away. “It’s your choice.”
I feel his hand move from my back to cup my chin, gently turning my head to face him. He gives me a soft, reassuring smile, and I search his gaze as he stares deep into my eyes. “If that’s what it will take for us to be together, so be it, my love!”
My breath leaves me, stunned by his words. He places a passionate kiss to my lips, before he turns back to Obsidian. I bite my lip as his mouth leaves mine all too soon. I don’t want to go at this alone anymore, but is it worth essentially letting him sell his souls to the devil? I struggle with it as the clock ticks on and precious time is lost.
“Obviously the Demon Lord knew what my answer would be, so what's next?” Azrael comments.
“Good,” Obsidian exclaims. “All you have to do is shake on it. The Demon Lord will do the rest.” He holds his hand out to the reaper, and my blood runs cold as his amulet starts to give off an eerie glow.
“So it shall be!” Azrael grasps Obsidian’s hand in a bone breaking grip. A slight grimace crosses the demon’s feature, but nevertheless, a little pain couldn’t stop what is coming. Nothing could.
The demon’s mouth breaks out into a wicked grin just as a wave of dark energy shoots out of the amulet to encompass the reaper. I see the misty wisps of the hundreds of souls in Azrael’s possession fly out of him as they’re sucked back into Obisdian’s amulet. Black veins spring up on his arms as the dark magic of the Blood Oath embeds itself deep within him.
A strangled sound escapes me as screams of agony are ripped from Azrael’s lungs. I quickly avert my gaze, unable to watch.
What have I done?
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